
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

TROUBLESOME (must read): "UCLA Professor [Enstrom] Sues for Firing over Diesel Pollution Study Whistleblowing"

"UCLA Professor Sues for Firing over Diesel Pollution Study Whistleblowing"

"...Dr. Enstrom, a research professor in UCLA's
Department of Environmental Health Sciences,
published important peer-reviewed research
demonstrating that fine particulate matter does not
kill Californians. Also, Dr. Enstrom assembled
detailed evidence that contends powerful UC
professors and others have systematically
exaggerated the adverse health effects of diesel
particulate matter in California, knowing full well that
these exaggerations would be used by the California
Air Resources Board (CARB)
to justify draconian diesel
vehicle regulations in California.  In addition, the
complaint argues that he exposed the fact that the
lead author of the key CARB Report used to justify
the diesel regulations did not have the UC Davis
Ph.D. degree that he claimed. Instead, according to
the suit, this "scientist" bought a fake Ph.D. for
$1,000 from a fictional "Thornhill University.".

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love him,..."

Romans 8.28