
Thursday, October 22, 2015

(Alarmist or Real Deal):10/20/15 – Energy News

I can't figure out if this website is "alarmist" like national enquirer or if they are for real.
"Latest Headlines:
06:40 AM EST on October 20th, 2015 | 320 comments
Former US Gov't Official: "The elephant in the
room is Fukushima radiation" when it comes to
Pacific Ocean animal die-offs… Gov't has totally
failed to inform public about full extent of
fallout… Media's silence is deafening — Mentions
coverage by ENENews
07:11 AM EST on October 19th, 2015 | 236 comments
TV: 'Scary' mystery illness killing off animals "at
such a rapid rate" on West Coast — Hundreds of
marine mammals found dead in small area —
Gov't Expert: "Something is likely affecting the
entire ecosystem… Something is hitting them
harder and faster… Something else seems to be
involved" (VIDEO)
04:47 PM EST on October 15th, 2015 | 557 comments
"Mind-blowing" die off of seabirds underway
from California to Alaska — Experts: "This is
unprecedented… Worst I've ever seen… Why
they're dying, I'm still baffled" — "Every bird
we're seeing is starving to death… Basically
withering away" — "Catastrophic molting" due to
unknown cause (VIDEO)
08:17 PM EST on October 13th, 2015 | 368 comments
Unpublished gov't map shows massive plume of
Fukushima radioactive material just off West
Coast of North America — Radiation levels
quadrupled in recent months — Scientist: "We
are starting to see the penetration of cesium
from offshore… to the coast" (VIDEO & MAP)
08:23 PM EST on October 12th, 2015 | 519 comments
AP: Catastrophic event could release radioactive
fallout over major U.S. metropolitan area —
Gov't issues emergency plan as fire burns near
nuclear site — Report: "World is on brink of
nuclear disaster" — Senator: "What we have…
could end up as Chernobyl" (VIDEO)
11:37 PM EST on October 11th, 2015 | 336 comments
Professor: "It's really a dead zone" in areas of
Fukushima — "Huge impacts… there are no
butterflies, no birds… many dramatically fewer
species" — "Why does it matter to you (in the
U.S.)? The reason is, it's coming, it is
coming" (VIDEO)
04:07 PM EST on October 8th, 2015 | 764 comments
UPI: 'Skyrocketing' cancer cases in Fukushima —
AP: 'Alarming' cancer rates after nuclear disaster
— Times: Child cancers up 5,000% — Radiation
doses may be "considerably higher" than
estimated — Expert: Cancer outbreak shows
officials must now prepare for onset of leukemia,
other diseases (VIDEO)
10:35 PM EST on October 6th, 2015 | 523 comments
Spike in animal deformities on West Coast soon
after Fukushima — Hundreds of baby cows with
distorted legs or other malformations — Expert:
"We know there's more than that out there"…
Problem may be more widespread than reported
04:54 PM EST on October 5th, 2015 | 285 comments
Time: Bizarre die-off along West Coast "an
animal emergency" — Reuters: Record number of
deaths declared Unusual Mortality Event by gov't
— Babies being found severely emaciated,
sickened by parasites — Experts: "A big warning
sign… this is just the tip of the iceberg" (VIDEO)
02:10 PM EST on October 1st, 2015 | 768 comments
Expert: Parasites 'never seen before' are washing
up on West Coast; Finding unidentifiable
creatures 'new to science'… "We're worried" —
Scientist anticipates Fukushima radiation will
cause marine bacteria in U.S. to mutate
08:00 PM EST on September 30th, 2015 | 349 comments
Interviews near US nuclear sites: "Piles of dead
lambs, with 2 heads, or no legs… just piles of
dead baby lambs" — "Lambs born without eyes
or mouths… legs grotesquely grown together,
others had no legs" — "Farmers couldn't
understand why all the animals were dying… all
the dogs and cats too" (VIDEOS)
05:47 PM EST on September 29th, 2015 | 420 comments
NBC: Radioactive debris on beach at California
nuclear plant — Magazine: Bombshell report
reveals radiation cover-up — Experts:
"Unbelievable what they're doing there"… "We
still don't know how high those levels
were" (VIDEO)
07:38 PM EST on September 26th, 2015 | 898 comments
TV: Experts conclude no nuclear fuel left inside
Fukushima reactor — Total meltdown "highly
likely" — Conducting more tests to determine
how far down corium has penetrated (PHOTOS &
08:58 PM EST on September 24th, 2015 | 520 comments
Emergency Alert at US Nuclear Facility: Semi
truck filled with uranium catches fire — Initial
attempt to extinguish flames fails, blaze
continued for over 30 minutes — Officials test for
radioactive contamination — FEMA, Homeland
Security, EPA notified (VIDEO)
05:28 PM EST on September 22nd, 2015 | 587 comments
PHOTOS: Mutations found in sea life along US
West Coast — Deformed spines, brains, hearts,
eyes reported by officials — Malformations
include extra brain lobes, hunchbacks, parts of
face missing, unusual limbs
12:21 PM EST on September 21st, 2015 | 457 comments
Nuclear Expert: US West Coast being
continuously exposed to Fukushima radioactive
releases, it's an ongoing tragedy — Marine
Chemist: Impossible to stop nuclear waste
flowing into ocean; "It never will be… that's what
keeps me up at night" — Radiation levels spiked
1,000% since floods (VIDEOS)
06:35 PM EST on September 17th, 2015 | 561 comments
Yahoo News: Giant mutant fish caught off Japan
causes concern about effects of Fukushima — NY
Daily News: Monster catch raises questions about
ecological impact of nuclear disaster — "We
wonder if its the radiation that caused the fish to
grow this big" (PHOTOS)
11:38 PM EST on September 15th, 2015 | 494 comments
TV: Massacre along West Coast continues —
Alarming, bleak situation as disease re-emerges
— Hundreds of millions of sea stars estimated
dead — Changes in cellular matrix observed, "a
lot of interesting genes being found" — Other sea
life disappearing as tidepool communities
'shift' (VIDEO)
12:16 AM EST on September 15th, 2015 | 228 comments
"Countless" dead birds reported in Pacific off US
coast, nothing will eat the bodies — "There are
no seals present" — Expert: "The fish are not
there… all of them are starving" — Animals
"acting weird, sick and weak, too weak to fly, too
weak to run" — Resident: We want to know if it's
from Fukushima (VIDEO)
06:50 PM EST on September 12th, 2015 | 1,002 comments
TV: Floods threaten Fukushima plant
structures… "Nuclear nightmare territory then"
— Expert: A lot of nuclear fuel has actually gone
into ground, and "will come out at the surface" if
groundwater rises — Radiation levels flowing
into ocean much higher than usual (VIDEO)
04:26 PM EST on September 10th, 2015 | 527 comments
ABC: "Epic flooding threatening Fukushima…
Serious concerns about nuclear plant in flood
zone" — Massive amount of nuclear waste has
already flowed into ocean — "Grave danger"
from contaminated water leak — Torrential
downpours overwhelm site — Official: It's
"threatening safety" at plant (VIDEO)
06:30 PM EST on September 8th, 2015 | 315 comments
"Rapid, stunning and complete" die-off of
animals near nuclear site — 150,000+ antelopes
bleeding from internal organs, pits brimming
with corpses — Experts completely baffled: "It's
really unheard of… 100% mortality, I know of no
example in history like it… Doesn't make any
sense" (PHOTOS)
1 2 3 4 25 50 75 100 125 » Last »
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Former US Gov't Official: "The elephant in the
room is Fukushima radiation" when it comes to
Pacific Ocean animal die-offs… Gov't has totally
failed to inform public about full extent of
fallout… Media's silence is deafening —
Mentions coverage by ENENews (325)
TV: 'Scary' mystery illness killing off animals "at
such a rapid rate" on West Coast — Hundreds
of marine mammals found dead in small area
— Gov't Expert: "Something is likely affecting
the entire ecosystem… Something is hitting
them harder and faster… Something else seems
to be involved" (VIDEO) (135)
Unpublished gov't map shows massive plume of
Fukushima radioactive material just off West
Coast of North America — Radiation levels
quadrupled in recent months — Scientist: "We
are starting to see the penetration of cesium
from offshore… to the coast" (VIDEO & MAP)
"Mind-blowing" die off of seabirds underway
from California to Alaska — Experts: "This is
unprecedented… Worst I've ever seen… Why
they're dying, I'm still baffled" — "Every bird
we're seeing is starving to death… Basically
withering away" — "Catastrophic molting" due
to unknown cause (VIDEO) (67)
Former US Gov't Official: "The elephant in the
room is Fukushima radiation" when it comes to
Pacific Ocean animal die-offs… Gov't has totally
failed to inform public about full extent of
fallout… Media's silence is deafening —
Mentions coverage by ENENews
TV: 'Scary' mystery illness killing off animals "at
such a rapid rate" on West Coast — Hundreds
of marine mammals found dead in small area
— Gov't Expert: "Something is likely affecting
the entire ecosystem… Something is hitting
them harder and faster… Something else seems
to be involved" (VIDEO)
"Mind-blowing" die off of seabirds underway
from California to Alaska — Experts: "This is
unprecedented… Worst I've ever seen… Why
they're dying, I'm still baffled" — "Every bird
we're seeing is starving to death… Basically
withering away" — "Catastrophic molting" due
to unknown cause (VIDEO)
Unpublished gov't map shows massive plume of
Fukushima radioactive material just off West
Coast of North America — Radiation levels
quadrupled in recent months — Scientist: "We
are starting to see the penetration of cesium
from offshore… to the coast" (VIDEO & MAP)
AP: Catastrophic event could release radioactive
fallout over major U.S. metropolitan area —
Gov't issues emergency plan as fire burns near
nuclear site — Report: "World is on brink of
nuclear disaster" — Senator: "What we have…
could end up as Chernobyl" (VIDEO)
Professor: "It's really a dead zone" in areas of
Fukushima — "Huge impacts… there are no
butterflies, no birds… many dramatically fewer
species" — "Why does it matter to you (in the
U.S.)? The reason is, it's coming, it is
coming" (VIDEO)
UPI: 'Skyrocketing' cancer cases in Fukushima —
AP: 'Alarming' cancer rates after nuclear
disaster — Times: Child cancers up 5,000% —
Radiation doses may be "considerably higher"
than estimated — Expert: Cancer outbreak
shows officials must now prepare for onset of
leukemia, other diseases (VIDEO)
Spike in animal deformities on West Coast soon
after Fukushima — Hundreds of baby cows with
distorted legs or other malformations — Expert:
"We know there's more than that out there"…
Problem may be more widespread than
3:15 AM EDT, Oct 22
I am not competing with anyone. I'm sorry that
for you Jesus isn't...
PraisingTruth Comment on FORUM: Off-Topic
Discussion Thread (Non-Nuclear Issues)
3:05 AM EDT, Oct 22
pathetic greed as usual. Villainizing carbon was
quite the audacious feat. "The expenditure,...
CodeShutdown Comment on Former US Gov't
Official: "The elephant in the room is Fukushima
radiation" when...
2:51 AM EDT, Oct 22
The cloud cover/chem trails trap and re-radiate
the heat at night. An important...
CodeShutdown Comment on TV: 'Scary'
mystery illness killing off animals "at such a
rapid rate" on...
2:42 AM EDT, Oct 22
DID, I guess it all depends on how total one
thinks the control...
CodeShutdown Comment on FORUM: Off-
Topic Discussion Thread (Non-Nuclear Issues)
2:35 AM EDT, Oct 22
I wouldn't use those bastards for compost.
stock Comment on Former US Gov't Official:
"The elephant in the room is Fukushima
radiation" when...
2:34 AM EDT, Oct 22
Doc, it breaks my heart to see the homeless
people. There are SO...
HoTaters Comment on TV: 'Scary' mystery
illness killing off animals "at such a rapid rate"
2:30 AM EDT, Oct 22
Tomorrow I will call the WSJ and the EPA.
HoTaters Comment on TV: 'Scary' mystery
illness killing off animals "at such a rapid rate"
2:30 AM EDT, Oct 22
Stock, I just gave your article (and your site)
kudos on FB.
HoTaters Comment on TV: 'Scary' mystery
illness killing off animals "at such a rapid rate"
2:26 AM EDT, Oct 22
Part of the game plan come out
ClimateGate2015 They want 13.5 Trillion of...
stock Comment on Former US Gov't Official:
"The elephant in the room is Fukushima
radiation" when...
2:19 AM EDT, Oct 22
Code, what I have learned about this in my
perusal of Geoengineering related...
HoTaters Comment on TV: 'Scary' mystery
illness killing off animals "at such a rapid rate"
>> Comment Archive
FORUM: Fukushima Webcam Discussion Thread
FORUM: General Nuclear Issues Discussion
Thread (9,516 Comments)
FORUM: Off-Topic Discussion Thread (Non-
Nuclear Issues) (6,463 Comments)
FORUM: Post Your Radiation Monitoring Data
Here (10,773 Comments)
FORUM: Alternative Energy — Converting to
clean, renewable energy sources (1,419
FORUM: Petitions, Ballot Initiatives, Other
Signature Drives (VIDEO) (448 Comments)
FORUM: Upcoming meetings, gatherings, &
demonstrations about energy issues (588
FORUM: What should be done about Japan
burning radioactive debris? (2,089 Comments)
FORUM: Methods for combating radiation and
its effects (1,998 Comments)
FORUM: Effects of low level radiation (1,893
FORUM: Possible Fukushima-related Anomalies
— Deformations, Yellow Rain, Metallic Taste in
Mouth, etc. (2,068 Comments)
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Japan (Fukushima)
Former US Gov't Official: "The elephant in the room is
Fukushima radiation" when…
Professor: "It's really a dead zone" in areas of
Fukushima -- "Huge impacts... t…
UPI: 'Skyrocketing' cancer cases in Fukushima -- AP:
'Alarming' cancer rates aft…
TV: Experts conclude no nuclear fuel left inside
Fukushima reactor -- Total ...."